《 A Study in Scarlet 》

书名: 《 A Study in Scarlet 》
译名: 《 血字的研究 》
作者: Arthur Conan Doyle(阿瑟·柯南·道尔)
篇幅: 175页
难度: 蓝思值1070L
用时: 2022.12.25-2023.01.15
词典: Kindle内置现代英汉词典

感想: 这是我读的第八本英文原著,之后读的数本都将是推理小说。





  • It is an open secret that the credit of this smart capture belongs entirely to the well-known Scotland Yard officials, Messrs Lestrade and Gregson. The man was apprehended, it appears, in the rooms of a certain Mr Sherlock Holmes, who has himself, as an amateur, shown some talent in the detective line, and who, with such instructors may hope in time to attain to some degree of their skill

  • They thought to tire me out, but they could not do it. If I die tomorrow, as is likely enough, I die knowing that my work in this world is done, and well done. They have perished, and by my hand. There is nothing left for me to hope for, or to desire.

  • Single-handed, and with his limited knowledge of the mountains which surrounded the settlement, he knew that he was powerless. The more frequented roads were strictly watched and guarded, and none could pass along them without an order from the Council

  • He tore himself from her as he spoke, and, flinging himself upon his horse, galloped furiously away, never even looking round, as though afraid that his resolution might fail him if he took one glance at what he was leaving.

  • ‘Oh! a mystery is it?’ I cried, rubbing my hands. ‘This is very piquant. I am much obliged to you for bringing us together. “The proper study of mankind is man,” you know.’ ‘You must study him, then,’ Stamford said, as he bade me good-bye. ‘You’ll find him a knotty problem, though. I’ll wager he learns more about you than you about him. Good-bye

生词: 163个(含误触和重复)。
